The sharing and circular economy demonstrate that qualitative economic growth and a healthy environment go hand in hand. With the digital technologies, new possibilities arise for accompanying the green transformation innovatively.

Sustainable Leaders’ Summit 2021: new leadership for new times

On 26 November, the first Sustainable Leaders’ Summit will…

“Fit for 55” package : transitioning towards a net-zero economy

With the legislative package presented by the European Commission…

Sustainable Leaders: Switzerland brings excellence to Sustainable Leadership

CEC European Managers is proudly welcoming and supporting the…

Sustainable Corporate Governance: more carrots and less sticks

CEC European Managers welcomes the EU’s new Sustainable Corporate…

Managers welcome EU Climate Pact

CEC European Managers welcomes the launch of the European Climate…

Europe’s efforts to reduce carbon footprint requires Sustainable Leaders

Following the announcement of President Von der Leyen during…

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