
Here you can find all the information about our latest activities in chronological order: events, publications, newsletters and speeches.

CEC European Managers’ statement in support of Montenegro’s leadership

CEC European Managers’ Executive Board stands in support of…

CEC leaders sign the Universal Humankind Rights’ Declaration in Paris

CEC European Managers has become the first European Commission…
CEC European Managers - Position Paper on "Smart Change"

This position paper puts managers at the heart of Europe’s sustainable transition

Shortly after the European Elections 2024, and in a significant…

Margrethe Vestager claims for managers’ leadership in the face of the challenges of the European Union

"As managers know very well, good things need effort," said today…

European managers chose a new Executive Board in Copenhagen

CEC European Managers recently concluded its General Assembly…
7/7 - Key Priorities - EU Elections: Open Invitation to Collaborate

7/7 – Open invitation to collaborate with managers and leaders – EU Elections

There are barely 3 days left for the European Parliament Elections.…