
Here you can find all the information about our latest activities in chronological order: events, publications, newsletters and speeches.

Purposeful AI for shared prosperity

Today’s realities of Artificial Intelligence highlight the…

Out now: Telemanagement Guidelines

Managers play a key role in making remote and hybrid work a success.…

Welcoming the new year by embracing diversity and conscious leadership

By Ebba Ohlund, Treasurer Gender Equality and Diversity As…

SLS22: Courageous leadership for sustainable workplaces

The Sustainable Leaders’ Summit on 2 December 2022 hosted a…

Making smart change happen: CEC WG on Smart Change organizes its second webinar

In the course of the second webinar organized by CEC WG on Smart…

CEC at the Tripartite Social Summit: Europe must now ensure energy security

At the Tripartite Social Summit on 19 October 2022, CEC President…

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