
Discover CEC European Managers’ positions on the many issues of economical, technical and social nature, that are relevant for the societies managers live in. You may look for our positions in thematic categories under ‘our topics’.

Minimum wage: strengthen social dialogue and consider variety in fundamentals

CEC European Managers has replied to the European Commission's…

Whistleblower protection: legal clarity needed across Europe

CEC European Managers is in favour of an EU-directive on whistleblower…

Dedicated hearing – initiative on the European Labour Authority and the European Social Security Number

European social partners, including CEC, have been invited…

Access to social protection – second phase consultation

CEC European Managers is in favour of extending social protection…

CEC welcomes Directive proposal for more transparent working conditions

The European Commission has published a proposal for a directive…

EU company law consultation

CEC European Managers has participated in the consultation on…