“A new start for social dialogue”: relaunching social dialogue, the contribution of social partners

Since his presentation speech, the new President of the European Commission has insisted several times on his intention to become the President of social dialogue and the necessity to relaunch it as a founding trait of “social Europe”.

To give an official start to this relaunch process, the European Commission has organized last 5th March 2015 a high-level event in Brussels. With more than 400 participants, this conference marked the commitment of the Juncker’s Commission to invest in social dialogue as a tool to promote a competitive Europe, sustaining the recovery and helping its economy to better weather the storm. Data show how countries with a well-functioning system of industrial relations and a robust social dialogue have been able to solve more quickly and efficiently the economic crisis, and were better equipped to face new potential shocks.

CEC European Managers participated in the conference; Mr. Ludger Ramme, Deputy Secretary General, was invited to take part as a speaker in one of the workshops in which the conference was organized.