Consultation – Mobility package: social security coordination and the posting of workers

As representatives of managers, a category of workers with a relatively higher propensity to work abroad, CEC European Managers is particularly affectred by labor mobility issues. Labor mobility is an effective tool to tackle on the one hand high levels of unemployment, and on the other solve mismatches on the labour market, thus contributing to the reduction of macroeconomic divergences and supporting the accomplishment of a well-functioning single market.

Labor mobility is also a fundamental right, enshrined in the Treaties; it is actually the first type of freedom of mobility that the European treaties recognized to European citizens, long before freedom of movement was granted to everyone, irrespective of one’s work status. Europe has recently celebrated the 30th anniversary of the Schengen agreement, one of its greatest accomplishments, and yet these are times when the concept of freedom of movement is being severely put to test (if not openly questioned): more than ever, CEC European Managers stands against any tentative to limit this freedom (for both workers and citizens as such).

Please find the reponse to the consultation on social security coordination and the posting of workers below



Response to the consultation on social security coordination and the posting of workers