Social partners launch negotiations on active ageing and intergenerational solidarity

An autonomous agreement should be signed among EU social partners by the end of 2016

In their autonomous working programme agreed for the period 2015 – 2017, EU social partners welcomed the adoption of measures that would “make it easier for older workers to actively participate and stay in the labour market, and at the same time make sure that measures are taken in order to ease inter-generational transitions in the context of high youth unemployment”. To fullfill the commitment to signing an autonomous agreement on this issue, they have opened a negotiation. CEC European Managers has been invited to participate in the various negotiation rounds and has nominated Anna Thoursie, economist at Ledarna, as its representative.

In the negotiation, CEC European Managers will highlight the double role that managers play in both adopting the right measures to accompany age transition within the company and being subject themselves to it. We will also defend the necessity not to come to simplistic explanations of the relationship between youth unemployment and longer careers, but rather insist on the need for comprehensive solutions.