Promoting quality traineeships in a lifelong learning perspective
As recognised European social partner, CEC European Managers…

EU Pact for Skills needed to get ready for transition
CEC European Mangers has, in its function as European social…

New Skills agenda for Europe should focus on transition skills
The European Commission has consulted CEC European Managers,…

Psycho-social risks project: equipping managers with the necessary skills
CEC European Managers is partner with Eurocadres and other national…

Erasmusx10 campaign launched
CEC European Managers has joined the Erasmus+ Coalition and…

Mobility and mentoring programs needed in Europe
To successfully combat unemployment of young people in Europe…

Consultation – A new skills agenda for Europe
In February 2016, CEC European Managers has participated…

The European Commission launches a consultation on a quality Framework on Traineeships
After a first open consultation launched in the second half of…