Digitalisation and transnational social dialogue – a model for innovation?

CEC European Managers participates in a project on social dialogue in transnational companies and digitalisation. The project, running from January 2018 to June 2019, investigates how to facilitate the development of an economically and socially responsible social dialogue on digitalisation in European Works Councils.

The effects of the digitalisation of the economy on work and employment can best be described as both heterogeneous and multifaceted. However, the scope of transformations remains unclear, as the debates around net job creation or destruction highlights. On the one hand, some expect a massive job destruction leading to the end of employment or even of the concept of the company itself. Others anticipate less radical and more progressive evolutions.

The social dialogue in companies, as a tool to anticipate and accompany digital change, thus constitutes a privileged lever, to be further developed, for those who would like to take the digital revolution seriously. Furthermore, companies and company groups of European dimension are likely to experience a situation that is potentially fruitful for the development of a social dialogue adapted to the digital issues of the organisations. As a matter of fact, these large companies are most often structured around social dialogue on multiple levels.

Despite the distance of European Works Councils from the reality on the ground, the European level of dialogue in large companies seems to be relevant for evaluating these digital transformations that are by nature transnational.

CEC European Managers will keep you informed about the development of the project on its website. You may find the detailed description of the project below.

The project partners are:




Fondazione Brodolini

Fundacion 1° de Mayo