“Managers are the soul of companies”
At CEC European Managers, we had the pleasure of interviewing Juan Antonio González Barriocanal, the Secretary General of our member organisation in Spain, the Confederation of Managers and Professionals (CCP). We discussed the importance of European social dialogue, collaboration between trade union organisations, and the role of managers in companies.
Good morning, Juan Antonio, and thank you for your time. How do you like to introduce yourself?
I am passionate about what I do. That’s what allows me to maintain a busy schedule full of activities, especially when it comes to social relations.
In my long professional career of over 40 years, I have spent the last 20 deeply involved in national and European trade union activities.
My professional work is in the Risk Department of the Iberdrola Group. In the union sphere, I serve as Secretary General of the Confederation of Managers and Professionals (CCP) and as a member of the Financial Control Committee of CEC European Managers.
Can you share an example of a difficult decision you’ve made as a leader?
The most challenging decision I’ve had to make was filing a criminal lawsuit against the executives of a multinational company.
A negligent approach to an industrial process led to the dismissal of 600 workers and the closure of two industrial facilities. Faced with a strategic decision by the company that we believed had criminal elements, we had no choice but to take legal action.
As a result of our legal strategy, we significantly increased the compensation our members received. Those were stressful months.
At CCP, we view union action as a necessary negotiation process to reach the best possible agreement. However, if we are left with no alternative, we will always act in defense of our members and those we represent.
In Spain, as in other European countries, there is still a lack of understanding about the union movement of managers and professionals. What does it mean to be part of this professional category?
Managers, professionals, and highly qualified employees with responsibilities are the backbone of companies. We have the knowledge and the essential mechanism for proper corporate functioning.
A company cannot be managed or operated without us. Managers and professionals oversee operations, contribute ideas, and establish the strategic direction of businesses.
However, top corporate management has often viewed our group as overly well-compensated and has underestimated our contribution to value creation. This is a strategic mistake that will have consequences in the short and medium term.
This perspective originates in the United States and is primarily applied in tech companies. The biggest mistake is managing industrial companies as if they were startups.
The rapid pace of innovation in the tech sector requires constant renewal and updating of managers and technicians.
However, industrial companies need professionals who, in addition to having the necessary qualifications, also possess extensive experience and knowledge of the business.
The experience and knowledge of managers are invaluable…
Yes, having the right expertise is essential in these companies. Managers prevent future mistakes because we understand past events.
And in the tech sector, isn’t this as important?
Tech companies operate differently. It’s a fast-paced and evolving industry with the increasing use of artificial intelligence.
Large industrial firms—whether in automotive, steel, energy, or electricity—cannot be managed with a short-term vision.
They require intensive capital investments and a well-planned strategy to shape their future. Managers, professionals, and technical experts are the ones who provide this vision.
Why is it important for Spain to have an organisation like CCP?
Today, more than ever, Spain needs an organisation like ours that understands the challenges facing managers and qualified professionals.
A highly demanding and stressful work culture, combined with the significant responsibilities managers assume, can pose serious health risks if not properly managed.
Stress and its related illnesses, caused by poor work organisation and management, are expected to become the leading cause of death in the coming years, as highlighted by reports from esteemed organisations such as the International Labour Organisation (ILO).
That’s why we believe it’s crucial to work on prevention and health promotion to prevent future problems and ensure company productivity.
Moreover, CCP represents the voices of managers and professionals in Spain’s social dialogue. Our participation in various forums and meetings with government representatives has highlighted the widespread lack of understanding about the challenges faced by our group.
For example, in recent weeks, we have held meetings with the General Directorate of Labour and the Employment Service of the Community of Madrid.
CCP provides solutions to workplace issues that no one wants to discuss or address. We are valuable and necessary at the negotiating table.
Is there a key issue you always bring to the table?
We are particularly concerned about the lack of representation for managers in Spain’s social dialogue.
We also focus on occupational risk prevention, especially regarding work-related stress—an issue that affects all workers but is particularly prevalent among managers, professionals, and highly qualified employees.
A few days ago, in Brussels, the Director-General of DG EMPLOYMENT at the European Commission told us that “managers are influencers.” Do you think this also applies to how your teams view work?
Absolutely. We serve as role models for our teams and must lead by example—preventing burnout and promoting workplace well-being, starting with ourselves.
It’s crucial to properly analyze work organisation to determine whether problems stem from poor leadership or ineffective management.
Once that analysis is done, we can develop strategies to solve them.
What could Spain learn from the European social dialogue model?
Spain needs to foster a more inclusive social dialogue. While it’s essential to involve major trade unions, we must also recognize a broader range of trade union organisations to ensure diverse voices are heard.
A well-rounded discussion, enriched by various perspectives, leads to better solutions.
Complex problems require complex solutions, and managers and professionals are responsible for implementing many of these solutions.
The European Union understands trade union plurality. CEC European Managers is recognized as a social partner by the European Commission and participates in official consultations, tripartite dialogues, and negotiations with EU institutions.
Europe values this diversity. However, in Spain, we do not currently enjoy the same level of engagement as we do at the EU level.
Legislation affecting the workforce should be circulated among worker-representative organisations for feedback, as is done in Europe.
It is neither acceptable nor serious that managers—who will be responsible for implementing and ensuring the success of workplace reforms—only learn about these changes from the media.
Do you think remote work, shorter workweeks, or telemanagement affect productivity?
Productivity is achieved through efficient work processes, committed teams, and proper work organisation, allowing employees to work fewer hours without compromising results.
There is ongoing debate about shorter workweeks, such as the four-day model, with some studies suggesting that it can increase productivity.
However, in sectors like tourism and hospitality—major industries in Spain—implementing these measures is complex. Many small and medium-sized businesses lack the resources to shorten work hours without affecting operations.
On the other hand, remote work is feasible and beneficial when managed with clear objectives and engaged teams.
Employees don’t need to be physically present in an office if they can meet their goals remotely. Managers play a key role in overseeing this while recognizing that remote work isn’t practical for all sectors, such as industrial or service-based jobs.
In the latest issue of your organisation’s magazine, you state that “Contract terminations due to failure to pass the probationary period have increased by 902.6%, ‘voluntary’ resignations by 258.7%, dismissals for objective reasons by 234.7%, and disciplinary dismissals by 170%,” a situation caused by the lack of realistic legislation. What do you propose?
The labour market in Spain is being distorted by the hiring of intermittent permanent workers, a model that allows employing a person intermittently without them officially being classified as unemployed between contracts.
Although this system offers flexibility to companies and artificially reduces unemployment figures, it does not reflect the country’s actual labour reality.
Many workers spend long periods without effective employment while receiving benefits, leading to inaccurate unemployment data and a misleading perception of labour improvement, especially at the European level.
This type of contract replaces the old temporary contracts but lacks clarity regarding the workers’ real employment status.
Although permanent contracts seem to have increased, in reality, many of these contracts are intermittent and do not guarantee job stability.
This creates a situation in which neither employers nor workers have complete security, affecting the transparency of the labour market and making it difficult to assess its functioning.
Moreover, this model allows labour statistics to be manipulated for political purposes, presenting a more positive picture than the actual reality.
On the other hand, this situation also affects productivity, as unstable working conditions and the chaining of voluntary resignations for various reasons significantly impact results.
Statistics, while useful, can be manipulated to show what is convenient. Therefore, it is necessary to address this issue seriously and establish realistic and transparent labour legislation.
The figures presented must reflect the true state of the labour market rather than prioritizing political objectives or a better image before the European Union.
Why is it important for CCP to be part of CEC European Managers?
The Confederation of Managers and Professionals (CCP) was founded in 1985 and is celebrating its 40th anniversary. In 1988, it joined CEC European Managers, demonstrating from the outset a clear vision of Europe’s importance as an economic and political future.
The founders understood that integrating European countries would create a strong community, not only economically but also as a significant political project.
CCP has always taken a pro-European stance, believing that Europe’s advancement and unity benefit its member countries.
As an organization, CCP advocates for harmonizing the European labor market, and promoting employment contracts with common characteristics among countries like Norway, France, and Spain, as they face similar challenges.
This vision aims for broader markets and labour regulations that enable greater integration. Recognizing it cannot act alone at the European level, CCP identified the Confédération Européenne des Cadres (CEC European Managers) as its counterpart to represent them in this area, solidifying its commitment to the European Union model.
CCP strongly advocates its active participation in CEC European Managers, as it believes this collaboration directly strengthens its objectives in Spain.
Integration into the CEC strengthens the bond between European organisations and promotes mutual benefits, reaffirming CCP’s commitment to a more united and developed Europe, both in labour and economic terms.
As you know, within our confederation, there are organisations actively working in the field of Climate Leadership. Our Secretary-General even participated in COP 29, and at the last General Assembly, you mentioned—referring to what happened in Valencia a few months ago—that climate change is one of Spain’s most significant challenges. From your perspective, what role can Spanish managers play in their positions to contribute to this field?
Climate change is an undeniable reality that affects the planet. In Spain, we see the effects of desertification, rising sea levels, and extreme weather events.
We cannot ignore this problem or act as if it does not exist, as the consequences will become increasingly severe. Although some economic interests or populist stances may try to downplay its importance, it is essential to recognize the urgency of taking action across all sectors, including organisations and their members.
The European Union has historically led the fight against climate change, promoting agreements such as the Paris and Kyoto agreements and establishing key measures to mitigate its effects. This leadership must continue.
In this context, Spanish managers and professionals play an important role in raising awareness and promoting actions that help mitigate climate change. From our positions, we can drive proposals and concrete measures that encourage sustainable practices in companies and society in general.
It is crucial not to be swayed by denialist rhetoric but to rely on scientific evidence and projections warning about the impact of climate change in the near future.
Every effort, no matter how small, is valuable. Our duty is not only to recognize the problem but also to act responsibly to leave a better world for future generations.
The goal is not to oversimplify the severity of climate change but to confront it with commitment, promoting changes that, although challenging in the short term, are necessary to ensure a habitable planet in the long run.
What is the contribution of Spanish managers to the competitiveness debate launched from Brussels?
For years, Europe has allowed the outsourcing of key sectors, such as battery and solar panel manufacturing, to countries like China and India, prioritizing lower costs at the expense of job security, quality, and control over these supply chains.
A clear example of the repercussions was the microchip crisis, which brought vehicle factories and other industries to a standstill for weeks, demonstrating the risks of relying on third parties for critical processes.
This dependence has led to the recognition of the need to regain control over strategic industries within the European Union.
Countries like France are already advancing projects to build battery factories, and Spain will also benefit from such initiatives.
We believe that the European Union should provide funding to drive this reindustrialization, not only to ensure technological and economic stability but also to reduce unemployment and prevent industrial decapitalization that could compromise the future of member states.
For a long time, Europe has taken a pacifist stance, leaving its defense in the hands of the United States. However, current geopolitical challenges indicate that it is essential to prepare for a more uncertain future.
Europe needs greater economic and technological autonomy. Only in this way can we contribute to more sustainable development, foster employment, and ensure security in an increasingly complex and competitive global landscape.
What message would you like to send to other leadership organisations considering joining CEC?
CEC European Managers is a key organisation in defending the interests of managers, professionals, and technical experts across Europe.
As one of six officially recognized social partners at the European level, it plays a vital role in shaping solutions to common challenges across industries and countries.
Its multisectoral approach and representation in international companies allow for valuable knowledge-sharing and strategic coordination.
The professionalism and experience of CEC’s leadership ensure that managers’ interests are effectively represented at the European level, promoting solutions that benefit all involved sectors.
Thank you very much!